Saturday, May 30, 2015

Hungry for Success, Thirsty for Water

Today's Run:
Distance: 4.0 miles
Time: 37:58
Pace: 9:29
Calories: 574
Power Song: Runaway by Bon Jovi

Not often but every once in a while I have to wake up super early and get to work at the break of dawn on a Saturday which is unfortunate because that's my time to go running. 

Today I spent my lunch going on my run. I wanted to run because I need to. I wanted to run because I was hungry for success. Most people don't have the endurance to be successful. I wanted to prove to myself that I had what it took. I took of my business clothes and threw on running clothes. 

It couldn't have been more than 2 minutes into my run when I felt it, the feeling of regret. I knew what I was about to do was probably a little cross the line. It was 101 degrees F and I didn't have any water with me. I was running along the lake and it was burning hot. I became beat red and my mouth became so dry. I had no water with me and was getting dehydrated quickly. 

Only 3 miles in and I was on the verge of quitting the run and walking the rest of the way to the workplace and it entered my mind, if I am going to complete a full triathlon I cannot quit right when things start getting difficult and I cannot just stop when the heat rises. Sure, I've learned my lesson to not go out running when 100 degrees and furthermore not to go running without water when it's a little warm. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Silent Thoughts of Him

Todays' Run: 
Distance 4.5 miles
Time: 44:30
Power Song: Arizona Breeze

I usually run with my Nike Plus app but halfway through it just turned off. Not sure why because I still had 33% battery left but in any case, it died. Which also means my music from Pandora died too. Thus my power song today was the Arizona Breeze. 

When my phone died my mind immediately thought of someone special to me who died earlier this month, my grandfather. This post is a tribute to my grandfather and my memories of him. 

We lived on the opposite sides of the country growing up. I lived in Durban, South Africa, and he lived in Cape Town so we only saw him once every 2 or 3 years. I was young for most of the time I knew him. 

When we did visit him he would make sure he spoiled us by showing off his beloved city, Cape Town. He had a great love for that city and all it offered. He became our tour guide on the holidays. He took us to Table Mountain and to the famous Waterfont along the coast line. We toured Signal Hill, Scarborough (their getaway cottage), Simon's Town, Hout Bay, the Canal Walk, Ratanga Junction, and many other famous landmarks of the city. One of my fondest memories was taking us to the sporting stadiums, Newlands Cricket stadium and the Newlands Rugby stadium. He was a loyal and proud supporter of the Western Province sport teams, especially the Stormers Rugby team.

One day when I was a younger lad he took me and my siblings to the Newlands Rugby stadium which you can see below. It was all empty, not another soul in site. I couldn't believe I was on hallowed ground which I had to explore. Only a few minutes of my grandparents showing us around they couldn't find me until they looked up, way up! I had climbed the bleachers to the north top tier and tried to hop over to the east top tier, with a lengthy gap between and a long drop I realized I gave them quite a scare. As I think back, I don't think I was far off from my grandfather when he was a young lad himself. 

He had a great sense of humour. I always remember the quick wit he had with almost conversation. He was sharp and could bring a knee slapper laugh to anyone in the sound of his voice. He loved playing cards with the family. We spent hours around the table playing cards in the evening and taught us occasionally how to cheat when my dad wasn't looking. He was a family man. He had 4 children and many more grandchildren which I know he loved us all. He had passion for genealogy that he eventually wrote a book about our family history. He had stories for past ancestors. He had passion for ships and anything that belonged in the harbour. 

I remember his occupation as a printer. He lived with his lovely wife since they were married 60+ years ago. We visited them at their flat, opposite the Green Point Stadium on the 5th floor where we could see Robben Island where former president, Nelson Mandela was imprisoned. 

His passing has reminded me what's important and how fragile life truly is. He was a selfless man that always loved his family. I believe I will see him again. I believe in life after death. I believe families are forever.

Newlands Stadium

Table Mountain
Grandparents with children and grandchildren

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Why I Run

Today's Run:
Distance: 4.6 miles
Time: 45:39
Pace: 9:54
Calories: 660

When your buddies ask you why you run, what kind of response do you give them?

I am still trying to come up with the right response. Sure, you get your common answers - 
  • to stay in shape
  • to lose weight
  • to get fit
  • so I can eat more!
Here is my answer today, the "Runner's High."

If you are not a runner, you'll have no idea what I am talking about. For me the Runner's High usually comes towards the end of my run. It's a feel-good feeling that overcomes the body and lifts your spirits. The Runner's High takes away any kind of pain I am experiencing and places boosters on my shoes. The Runner's High reminds me why I get up at 5 AM to put on my running shoes. From my splits below you can see I typically start off at a slower, warm-up pace then gradually increase over each mile. I am sure there is some kind of cool science behind it all and you can read about it at my favorite running website, Runner's World. When you feel it, you'll understand. This is nature's true drug to getting high.

Did you run today?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Purpose

About four or five times a year I will wake up with a crazy idea of completing a full Ironman Triathlon. I verbalize my thoughts to my wife after I am all pumped up with videos highlights of triathlons in grand vista locations all round the world.

Dad's, you may get the same response I do from my wife - the classic eye roll and a, "ugh, not this again" stage. 

Okay, okay, I am not saying I'm preparing for one right now but indirectly I am. I'm getting off the couch and getting out there door. 

The purpose of this blog is really to help me more than to entertain you in this journey towards an ultimate goal. The purpose is to keep me motivated, to push me out of bed before the sun rises, to reach my full potential. 

"In 1978, U.S. Naval Commander John Collins and his wife Judy issued a challenge. They proposed combining Oahu’s 2.4 mile swim race, 112 mile bike race, and 26.2 mile marathon. On February 18, 1978 fifteen competitors, including Collins, traveled to Waikiki to take on the first-ever IRONMAN challenge." 

''Swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, run 26.2 miles- BRAG FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE."

- John Collins, IRONMAN Founder

Here we go...